High School • Freshmen Dinner


Sunday, August 4
5:45-7:30 pm

Pod C

Free to attend.

Childcare is not Available

Registration Closes:
Friday, August 2


Rising freshmen and their parents are invited to experience High School Ministry for the first time. 

What to Expect

  • 4:30–5:30 pm: Parents and Students will attend High School Service together at South Campus.
  • 5:45–6:30 pm: Dinner will be held in Pod C.
    • Please note any allergies during registration if you need a special meal.
  • 6:30–7:30 pm: We’ll host a Student and Parent Gathering to discuss the High School Ministry philosophy, the essential information about what your student will experience, and answer your questions.

Only one registration is needed per family.

Registration closed.

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